Sunday Service
Sunday School | 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Service | 10:15 a.m.
Evening Service | 6:00 p.m.

Weekday Events

Wednesday | Children’s Clubs | 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday | Youth Group | 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday | Ladies Bible Study | 7:00 p.m.
Thursday | Young Adult Bible Study | 5:30 p.m. (bi-weekly)

Contact Details

Phone: 847–392–1712


Address: 1211 W Campbell St, Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Disability Accessible


Adult Bible Fellowships

Bible study groups that promote fellowship and community in the church are available for all age groups from college age through senior adults. The groups meet on Sundays at 9:00 a.m., concurrent with the Sunday School classes for children and teens.

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. concurrent with the children’s Kids Alive! and youth programs. A daytime Women’s Bible Study also meets on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Both ladies’ groups are available for in-person and remote participation.

Women’s Ministries emphasize evangelism, fellowship, growth in the knowledge of God, and opportunities for service. Events are held throughout the year.

Children’s Ministries

Children learn to know and love God in a safe and loving learning environment. Parents appreciate our carefully-staffed nursery during all services and classes, as well as an educational program for children of all ages.

Sunday School meets at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. Using engaging learning activities, teachers offer age-appropriate Biblical teaching. In the Two-and-Three-year-olds’ class, along with the Pre-primary Class (ages 4 and 5), teachers plant seeds of faith and help young learners learn basic truths of God’s Word. The Primary Class (grades 1 and 2) encourages children to obey Biblical truths and to love and follow the Savior. Middler Students (grades 3 and 4) study a through-the-Bible course that helps students see how God’s Word fits together. Junior Students (grades 5 and 6) learn to grow in eight essential areas of the Christian life.

Throughout the year children also enjoy special programs, a children’s choir, camps, Vacation Bible School, and special activities—all geared to teach children the Bible in a fun, safe, loving environment.



Kids Alive! is for children K-6th grade. Kids Alive! is a club that lays the foundation for learning and living God’s Word. Club meets from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights during the school year.

In addition to a Bible lesson time, the club night includes games, songs, and time for memorizing God’s word. 

For more information, click here to view the Kids Alive! web page.

Youth Ministry

Teens are active serving in the church, participating in our worship ministry, helping with children’s ministry, and completing work projects.

Our youth leaders emphasize relevant Bible teaching and church involvement. In the Junior High Class (grades 7 and 8), teens study Biblical characters and topics in order to develop their faith for real-life needs. The High School Class (grades 9–12) provides Bible book, character, and topical studies to help senior high students develop a truly Christ-honoring lifestyle and live out their faith.

The Wednesday night program (7:00-8:00 p.m.) features fun activities and a Bible study on practical, real-world topics. Our youth program encourages parent and family involvement as families grow together at church.